Meet The Fam

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Call Us: 970-235-0980

Thanks for visiting! We are The Yarrow Collective!

Maddie is an Austin native and Jessie is a Minnesota transplant. We met during college at Western State and since then, we have shared the love of good food and tasty beer together.

With the help of a few brews, the idea of The Yarrow Collective quickly began to form. Our inspiration came from the western slope community. We are surrounded by rich agriculture and beautiful scenery. The goal of The Yarrow is to help sustain our abundant agriculture by providing local food and drink to the western slope. Our mission is to source as much produce and drinks as we can from within the state of Colorado.

The Yarrow Taproom will be just the first phase of our endless goal to help support and contribute to local agriculture. With your support, we will create a space where locals and travelers alike can come enjoy some of Colorado's finest brews, foods, and company.